I have recieved the email below from an old ex member who is looking at disposing of his old rally car.
Hi my name is Neil Jordan, a good few years ago I used to compete in local stage and historic rallies with my navigator Reiner Stockle. I still have the five linked 2 litre Mk1 escort that we raced with and it is possibly time to let someone else who might be interested, acquire it.
The car has been off the road for nearly 20 years and has been in a lot better shape. That said, it's not bad, the floor and boot seem to be fine but if someone was interested, they would have to take a good look at it. The car had a lot of prep work done to it with fitting the five linking, large tunnel, fire & electric proofing and protecting the chassis rails. I have attached a photograph, unfortunately due to medical health reasons, I have had to surrender my driving licence and it will be some time if ever before I can drive again.

We are at Ponteland. If anyone at the club knows of any interest or could put the word around, it would be much appreciated Regards Neil Jordan 01661 821 954