Whickham & District Motor Club and Hadrian Motor Sports Club will organise the Shaw Trophy Targa at Stewartshiels Plantation on 14th April.

We want to make the event accessible to owners of all cars, from historic to more modern cars and are therefore running the ‘Shaw’ as a Targa with a separate historic class.
Historic cars can now be granted waivers to allow more than 2 chokes/2carbs/4 cylinders under a Targa permit. Please note all cars must comply with current 2024 Targa regulations.
We would especially like to thank Mike Cook of MRC Crane Hire, The Chrisp Family from Chrisp Motorsport, and Marvin Campbell of Team Valley Service & MOT centre for their support.
A link to the regulations is below, please visit the Shaw Trophy page of the website to enter the event.
We look forward to welcoming both previous and new competitors in April.